quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2019

Junior 6 - Class J66 - Asa Sul - Teacher Domingos - Spring Time

In order to celebrate Spring, the students participated in an activity promoted by the Resource Center. They prepared the soil, put it into a seed tray, planted 3 beans each, and sprayed some water for the beans to grow well. They've predicted that, in two weeks, we can see the first sprouts. Every class, we'll water the beans before we start a new lesson. Great job!

One week later ... Unbelievable! The beans have turned into sprouts and into two leaves each.

Two weeks later ...

Um comentário:

  1. Thank you so much teacher Domingos for sharing with us the Junior J66 Class' experience!!! :)
    Congratulations for your job with these kids!! What a wordeful project!!!

    Thanks again.
